Mobile Mapping

Mobile mapping is a technique used to collect geographic data using a variety of sensors mounted on mobile platforms, such as cars, boats or airplanes.

This data is used to create digital maps and other geographic information products, which can be used for a wide range of applications, such as navigation, urban planning, and environmental analysis.

Mobile mapping systems typically include a combination of sensors, such as cameras, lidar, and GNSS receivers, which are used to capture data about the environment as the mobile platform moves through it.

The data collected by these sensors is then processed using Smart Delta’s software to create accurate and detailed digital maps.


Asset Management


Asset management refers to the practice of overseeing and managing various types of assets, with our software the infrastructure, with the goal of maximizing the return on investment and achieving the financial goals of the investors.

You can make decisions about which assets to buy, sell, or hold, and they may also provide investment advice and recommendations to clients.

Our GIS Webserver Atlant is a perfect tool to help you with asset management of your infrastructure.


Safety & Security


There are many different types of hard- and software that can be used for safety and security purposes. These types of hard- and software can be used to monitor and protect various assets, such as people, buildings, and information.

Some common examples of safety and security software include surveillance cameras and other monitoring systems, intrusion detection and prevention systems, fire and smoke alarms, and access control systems.

These types of hard- and software can help to reduce the risk of accidents and incidents and can also assist with responding to and managing emergencies.

Situational awareness


Situational awareness is the ability to understand the current situation, anticipate potential threats and opportunities, and make informed decisions based on this information.

This is particularly important in emergency or high-stress situations, where quick and accurate decision-making can make the difference between success and failure. Situational awareness involves paying attention to the environment around you, including people, objects, and events, and using this information to understand what is happening and what might happen next.

By maintaining a high level of situational awareness, individuals and organizations can respond more effectively to changing circumstances and make better decisions.